About Me

As a skilled Web Developer, Programmer, and Graphic Designer, I bring a versatile blend of creativity and technical expertise to my work. With a strong passion for crafting visually stunning and highly functional digital experiences, I excel in bringing ideas to life. My dedication to the world of technology and design ensures that every project I undertake is both aesthetically pleasing and fully functional, creating captivating digital realities.

  • Web Developer
    As a web developer, I specialize in creating responsive and user-friendly websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also have experience with front-end and back-end technologies, including React.js, Node.js, and PHP.
  • Programmer
    I am a skilled programmer with expertise in languages such as Python, Java, and PHP. I enjoy solving complex problems and writing efficient code to develop software applications.
  • Graphic Designer
    In the realm of graphic design, I have a creative flair and an eye for aesthetics. I create visually appealing designs for websites, logos, and branding materials to enhance the overall user experience.
  • Self-Taught Web Developer, Programmer, and Graphic Designer
    Description: I am a self-motivated learner passionate about web development, programming, and graphic design. I have acquired proficiency in various programming languages and technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, MySQL, Java, PHP, React.js, and Node.js through online resources such as YouTube tutorials, online courses, and personal projects. I continuously explore new trends and tools in these fields to stay updated with the latest industry standards.
  • Computer Engineering Diploma Student at LJ University
    I am currently enrolled in the Computer Engineering Diploma program at LJ University. This educational journey complements my practical skills, allowing me to apply theoretical concepts to real-world projects. My coursework includes a wide range of subjects that align with my passion for web development, programming, and graphic design, helping me build a strong foundation in computer engineering.

Contact Me


+91 8780911285

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